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Once you have activated the card, when tapping it with an NFC-enabled smartphone it will show the Google Maps review page of your business with a prompt to leave a review.

According to a 2022 report by ABI Research, 85% of consumers use NFC technology, and nearly half prefer using their mobile phone or smartwatch to a contactless card for payment.

No, if you order the cards through the website they will come pre-activated, and you don't need to pay anything extra.

There is no expiration date, once you have activated the card it is valid forever.

Yes, you can always change the review link of your cards in 'My Cards' section on our website

Yes, to leave a review your customers should have a Google account. The majority of people already have a Google account as they automatically get it when registering at services like GMail, YouTube or Google Maps. If a customer doesn't have a Google account, the review page will prompt them to create an account.